Kitchen Countertops – An Overview

One of the most visible features in your kitchen is your countertop. All your working surfaces should be covered with a countertop, so it’s important to choose a cost-effective, long-lasting and stylish option for your kitchen. Whether you’re renovating your entire kitchen or looking for a new countertop option to repair your damaged, outdated existing option, compare tile, butcher block and solid surface countertop designs to find the best option for your home.

Tile Countertops

Tile can be a beautiful option for your kitchen. Tiling your countertops allows you to completely customize the look of each area. Use a single, simple tile design for a modern look or create vibrant images and color patterns all around your kitchen. Ceramic tiles are popular for countertops due to their strength and moisture resistance.

While the building materials for a tile countertop can be affordable, the labor involved can be quite expensive. Tile is also prone to chipping and cracking, so it may require more maintenance than other countertop options.

Butcher Block Countertops

A rustic, warm and welcoming option for your kitchen is butcher block countertops. This timeless option improves the look of nearly any kitchen design. From a country farmhouse design to a modern, minimalist kitchen, butcher block can be an iconic option.

However, butcher block requires far more maintenance than other types of countertops. You’ll need to use vegetable oil or another food-safe oil to cure and seal your countertops. This seal prevents most moisture damage, but heavy use and increased exposure to moisture can still stain and rot your countertop.

Solid Surface Countertops

Finally, consider using a solid surface countertop for your kitchen. This durable surface is affordable, resistant to scratches and easy to clean. Compared to tile and butcher block, you’ll enjoy far less maintenance and a wide range of design options for your solid surface countertop. Talk to a cabinet and countertop professional contractor today to receive an estimate on your favorite countertop options.